Sarah Leslie
Sarah at four months.
Does Noa look like me?It is so exciting to finally have Noa here. There's something about the smell of a newborn's breath and the touch of their smooth skin that is so calming. Holding Noa reminds me that my cares and worries are insignificant.
It's both challenging and exciting to have two kids now. I'm already learning that they are unique individuals. I'm so happy that we have a boy and a girl; it seems natural to me because of my own upbringing.
I am thankful that Aaron is so involved as a dad. His face lights up when he sees the kids and that makes me love him more.
I am fortunate to be home with Levi and Noa for these precious first years. Though I enjoyed work (and the paycheck that came with it), I'm glad that I can be there for their smiles and firsts. And hopefully, this time off of work will help me figure out what I want to do when I grow up.
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